Enhanced IFAK Level 2

From: $23.95


Enhanced IFAK Level 2

The Enhanced IFAK Level 2 is the most comprehensive IFAK kit we sell, specifically created for major wound management. This kit was designed for use on the front lines by professionals with training on the CAT Tourniquet such as combat units, and police as well as EMS officers.

Suggested Retail Price: $149.95


In Stock

SKU: Enhanced IFAK Level 2 Categories ,
Item Quantity  Item Quantity 
1" Surgical Tape 1 4" Emergency Trauma Dressing 1
Cat Tourniquet 1 Compressed Gauze 4.5" 1
Nasopharyngeal Airway 1 Pair BLK Nitrile Gloves 2
5"x9" Abdominal Pads 2 Vented Chest Seal 1
EMT Shears 1 Decompression Needle 1
Lubricant 1  

Enhanced IFAK is an adjustable drop leg pouch. The bag comes with a detachable buckle from the belt attachment and the strap the secures around you leg so you can easily and quickly release the Enhanced IFAK. All contents in the Drop Leg First Aid Kit are secured with heavy duty elastic straps with helpful tabs in the middle of the straps to easily pull up the straps to insert and take out your supplies. The Drop Leg First Aid Kit Pouches are available in Black, Olive Drab, and Tan. Knowing where you kit is is just the half of having a plan for before you  need your first aid kit. Start you plan here.

Affordability and quality is what we have built our family-owned business off of.  Elite First Aid believes first aid kit’s shouldn’t cost a fortune to save a life. This is why we pride ourselves in our purchasing department on finding the best prices for quality products so we can pass that saving to our customers.

Discounted Wholesale and Government pricing is available. Please submit the application with all the information so we can approve your discounted pricing. To get to the form, please hover over the menu tab labeled “My Account” and hover over “Become a Dealer.” You can then click the respective form you need to access either “Wholesale Buyer” or “Government Agency.” Fill out the form in its entirety and click submit. Please allow at least 24 hrs as we must look over your form and accept you application.

Weight 2 kg
Dimensions 7 × 7.5 × 2.5 cm

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Black, N/A, Olive Drab, Tan



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